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Reviews of AMD Ryzen 5 2600X 4.2GHz Socket AM4 haben 382 Experten-Bewertungen der AMD Ryzen 5 2600X 4.2GHz Socket AM4 und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 87% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu AMD Ryzen 5 2600X 4.2GHz Socket AM4.
Award: Editor’s Choice April 2018
April 2018
382 Tests
19 Tests
87 0 100 382

Die Autoren gefallen

  • Sehr gute CPU-Performance
  • Gute Single-Thread-Performance
  • Sehr gutes Preis/Leistungsverhältnis
  • Boxed-Version 2700X inklusive gutem Kühler
  • Kompatibel mit allen AM4-Mainboards (aktuelles BIOS vorausgesetzt)
  • Bessere Speicherkompatibilität als X370
  • Hohe Multicore-Leistung
  • Gute Gaming-Leistung
  • Entsperrter Multiplikator
  • Günstiger Preis
  • Hohe MulticoreLeistung
  • Gute GamingLeistung
  • Tolle Preis-Leistung
  • Alltags- und Gaming-Potenzial
  • Sechs Kerne
  • Virtuelle Kernverdoppelung
  • Hohe Spieleleistung
  • Hohe Anwendungsleistung
  • Relativ niedrige Leistungsaufnahme unter Last
  • Niedrige Temperaturen unter Last
  • Hohe Taktraten
  • Freier Multiplikator und hilfreiche Software für leichtes Übertakten

Die Autoren nicht gefallen hat

  • Volles Potenzial der CPUs setzt Mainboard mit X470-Chipsatz voraus
  • Friedrich Stiemer
  • Test
  • Der AMD Ryzen 5 2600X kann mit sechs Kernen
  • 12 Threads und einer gestiegenen Boost-Taktrate von 4
  • 2 GHz aufwarten - all das zu einer unverbindlichen Preisempfehlung von nur 225 Euro. Wie es um die Leistung im Vergleich zum Vorgän
  • Gestiegener Stromverbrauch
  • Taktfrequenz hinter Intel
  • Zen-Architektur wird teils (noch) nicht optimal von Spielen und Anwendungen ausgelastet

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  Veröffentlicht: 2019-04-16, Autor: Steven , Testbericht von:

  • When it comes to gaming it's fair to say there's no wrong option here and the Ryzen 5 2600X and Core i5-9400F are evenly matched. The 9400F is at times faster thanks to better game support and lower latencies, but the 2600X is often able to ensure smoothe...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2019-04-12, Autor: Steven , Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  When we recently updated our Best CPUs feature, we noticed that access to affordable first-gen Ryzen processors remains an attractive option for many. The Ryzen 7 1700 is a standout option in particular as this 8-core/16-thread part is selling for $160, m...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2019-01-14, Autor: Ian , Testbericht von:

  • Battling CPUs at $60 is going to be a tough call. Do you throw the best hardware around the chip that money can buy to compare the absolute limits of the hardware under ideal conditions, or do you keep it more reasonable for the price bracket it is intend...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2018-12-26, Autor: Steve , Testbericht von:

  • The Intel i7-9700K received ample criticism at unveil for being the first “gaming,” S-class i7 in recent history to drop hyperthreading. The move was accompanied by an increase in physical core count to 8C, but followed the previous move from 4C/8T to 6C/...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2018-12-25, Testbericht von:

  • Can't be overclocked and lacks HyperThreading, Conclusion
  • We hope that this article has helped you find the right CPU for your gaming PC. As you can see, it doesn't really matter what your budget is because great gaming CPUs are available within any budget. If you consider yourself to be a casual gamer, a budget...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2018-11-26, Autor: Steve , Testbericht von:

  • By name and by marketing, the i5 CPU is most comparable to the R5 CPUs. The R5 2600's current $160 price-point makes it a less direct comparison, and the 2600X, which would perform about where an overclocked 2600 performs, is about $220. This is also che...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2018-11-26, Autor: Steven , Testbericht von:

  • Battlefield V is playable on quad-cores but you can expect frequent frame dips, resulting in less consistent frame rates. For the most part, we've found that the older Core i5-7600K has been hanging in there pretty well with AAA titles released in 2018, b...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2018-10-26, Autor: Jeff , Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  Intel's recent launch of the Core i9-9900K has a lot of people asking what it means to have the best gaming CPU around. The answer to that question is complicated, and we wanted to take a break from our usual System Guide format to dive deep into this spe...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2018-09-09, Autor: Bob , Testbericht von:

  • 6-core, 12-thread part, totally unlocked, Comes with included cooler, X470 and B450 boards are solid, Solid value
  • Runs a little hot (in our testing)
  • There you have it, AMD's Ryzen 5 2600X processor. There is quite a lot to like about this processor. The biggest thing is that you are getting a 6-core, 12-thread part that can boost all the way up to 4.2 GHz for only $225. That also includes a cooling so...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2018-09-09, Autor: Bob , Testbericht von:

  • 6-core, 12-thread part, totally unlocked, Comes with included cooler, X470 and B450 boards are solid, Solid value
  • Runs a little hot (in our testing)
  • There you have it, AMD's Ryzen 5 2600X processor. There is quite a lot to like about this processor. The biggest thing is that you are getting a 6-core, 12-thread part that can boost all the way up to 4.2 GHz for only $225. That also includes a cooling so...

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