Testseek.de haben 78 Experten-Bewertungen der Pentax K-3 und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 87% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Pentax K-3.
December 2013
78 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Experten, die dieses Produkt bewertet haben.
163 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Produktbesitzern.
Die Autoren gefallen
Lichtempfindlicher Autofokus
Staub und Spritzwassergeschützt
Hohe Auflösung
Sehr hohes Serienbildtempo
Wetterfestes Gehäuse
Schneller Autofokus
Sehr gute Bildqualität und hohe Auflösung bis ISO 1.600
Gute Bildqualität im hohen ISO-Bereich von ISO 1.600 bis 6.400
Hochwertiges Kameragehäuse mit sehr gutem Handling
Das Kameragehäuse ist mit 92 Dichtungen gegen Staub und Spritzwasser geschützt
Die Autoren nicht gefallen hat
Auflösung bei hoher Lichtempfindlichkeit
Geringe Rauschunterdrückung bei JPG-Entwicklung ab ISO 1.600
Veröffentlicht: 2013-12-17, Autor: Bruno , Testbericht von: digitalversus.com
Very sharp, detailed images at low ISO settings, Noise handled effectively up to 3200 ISO, Mechanical stabilisation builtin, Allweather finish for the camera body and the kit lens (1855 mm), Video mode has good audio and exposure options, 8 fps burst mode
No continuous AF in video mode, slow AF in video mode, AF isn't as impressive as direct rivals, No focus peaking while shooting video, No ultrasonic motorisation for 1855 mm kit lens, WiFi and GPS only available through optional accessories, No swivel/til
Pentax/Ricoh's K-3 is a sturdy and hard-wearing but quite traditional SLR. It doesn't get any of the newfangled features seen elsewhere, like Wi-Fi, GPS, touch-controls, a swivel screen or extra video features. However, the basics are all covered very wel...
Veröffentlicht: 2013-12-07, Autor: Mike , Testbericht von: trustedreviews.com
Although there are some issues with the Pentax K-3's AF performance, on the whole it's an enthusiast DSLR that delivers in terms of build quality, image quality and design interface. This combination means that the K-3 more than punches its weight amongst...
Based on image quality alone, the Pentax K-3 is one of the best enthusiast DSLRs we have tested. Images are full of detail and there are more than enough colour settings to satisfy most photographers. The metering is a little on the dark side, although th...
The Pentax K-3 is the most refined K-mount SLR to date, offering fast autofocus and superb image quality. Its video autofocus implementation isn't the best, but it still manages to snag our Editors' Choice award....
Weatherproof body, 100% viewfinder, Universal DNG raw format
Chromatic aberration issues, LCD screen fixed, Tends to underexpose
Since the biggest selling point of this camera is its weatherproofing credentials, it makes sense to buy it with the 18-135mm WR (weather resistant) lens, otherwise it's only the body that can withstand water. This makes it a little more expensive than i...
In the current marketplace, where sales of DSLR cameras are declining, the K-3 provides a welcome combination of innovative technology, excellent performance and a competitive price tag. Photographers looking for a new camera body on which to base a syste...
Average video skills, Lacks flip-out screen, No Wi-Fi
The Pentax K-3 is a serious camera that takes seriously good stills. It's packed with features to make your life easier, such as dual SD card slots, weatherproofing and in-body stabilisation and handles as well as any camera we've ever used.If you're a vi...