Testseek.de haben 33 Experten-Bewertungen der Blue Dragon Plus und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 71% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Blue Dragon Plus.
33 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Experten, die dieses Produkt bewertet haben.
0 Tests
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Die Autoren gefallen
Die „Blue Dragon“ Geschichte wird weitererzählt
Zahlreiche (neue) steuerbare Charaktere
Viele Spezialfähigkeiten für Experimentierfreudige
Zusammenfassung: If you look closely, you – like myself – may find a trend lately on Nintendo DS. Over the last year or so, weve seen release lists carrying out a pattern of Zodiac like proportions. It goes something like this: Petz game, hardcore RPG, Petz game agai...
Zusammenfassung: When I first heard about this title coming out on the DS I’ll admit I was a little shocked. After all, the game that this is technically a sequel to (Blue Dragon on the Xbox 360) comes to us from Mistwalker studios that are backed financially by M...
Zusammenfassung: I may have moaned about its flaws when it was released, but I didn't think Blue Dragon on Xbox 360 was an outright failure. It was a gorgeous game, and established a neat little Japanese RPG universe that could compete with those of the Final Fantasy a...
Lots of characters and FMVs. Nice sidequests. Simple controls. Good storyline.
You have to keep a careful eye on weaker characters like Zola, Jiro and Kluke. It can be difficult to get all chests in some missions. Those who didn’t play Blue Dragon may feel left out at times.
Zusammenfassung: Blue Dragon was released at the back end of 2007 exclusively on the Xbox 360 to fairly positive reviews. It had an excellent anime visual style, coupled with a very traditional turn-based RPG battle system. The game was created using the talents of Fin...
Zusammenfassung: I never played the first Blue Dragon on Xbox 360 but I was interested in it because of how it looked and the genre of the game. It was similar to Final Fantasy but without the iconic name and history.When I saw that the sequel was being released as a N...
Blue Dragon Plus is an enjoyable and beautiful adventure. And while there’s admittedly some frustrating niggles in the game that could have easily been rectified, the slickness and quality of the game will almost certainly force you to look past its...