Testseek.de haben 29 Experten-Bewertungen der Dragon Quest 5: Hand of the Heavenly Bride und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 84% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Dragon Quest 5: Hand of the Heavenly Bride.
May 2009
29 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Experten, die dieses Produkt bewertet haben.
Zusammenfassung: Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride is an impressive remake of the Super Famicom classic that capitalizes on a highly addictive monster taming system and an enticing plot. Developer Arte Piazza has also integrated a fresh translation, a huge gra...
Zusammenfassung: Dragon Quest V is the most moving videogame I've played in ages. That might seem an unlikely claim, especially given the vintage of the material. It's a remake of a 1991 Super NES RPG that was never released outside Japan, and its dated appearance does...
The something amazing about Dragon Quest’s charm, even though it’s simple to play and doesn’t do anything you don’t expect it’s still a solid RPG that will keep you coming back until you’re married. 7.8/10Print this pag...
Great graphics, huge bestiary with many tameable monsters, truly unique story with excellent writing and plot twists
Tedious beginning chapter, annoying level grinding, huge time investment may scare off casual players and busy RPG fans
If you have the time to devote to its awesomely structured story, Dragon Quest V can be one of the most memorable experiences you’ll get from an RPG. ...
Zusammenfassung: Rollspelsklassikern Dragon Quest V får en makeover (igen) och levereras i ett litet DS-paket. Daterat och segt eller nostalgiskt och tidlöst?
Zusammenfassung: Ikävä kyllä pelisarja on erityisesti Euroopassa jäänyt hyvin vähälle huomiolle, mutta kaikkien rotantappajien onneksi Square Enix on viime vuosina kunnostautunut asian tiimoilta. Tällä kertaa vuorossa on sarjan viidennen osan DS-käännös. Kannattiko 17 ...