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Reviews of Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies haben 37 Experten-Bewertungen der Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 85% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies.
Award: Most Awarded July 2010
July 2010
37 Tests
0 Tests
85 0 100 37

Die Autoren gefallen

  • TagNachtwechsel
  • Viele Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten
  • Nette Geschichte
  • Steuerung via Stylus/Touchscreen oder Tasten
  • QuicksaveFunktion
  • Rundenbasiertes Rollenspielfeeling
  • Grafik und Sound
  • 4SpielerKoopModus

Die Autoren nicht gefallen hat

  • Held spricht niemals
  • Geringer Einfluss beim LevelUp
  • Teilweise zu leicht

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  Veröffentlicht: 2010-07-26, Testbericht von:

  • this is the kind of game that mostly appeals to those players who want a new RPG with an old skeleton behind it, one that actually feels like a game created more than 10 years ago, but without depriving it of some modern updates. It is best enjoyed t...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2010-07-23, Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  by Louis Bedigian, July 23, 2010 There is nothing more satisfying than playing a new RPG without knowing a thing about it. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies has been on my radar for quite some time, but prior to its release, I chose not to...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2010-07-22, Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  Enix released the very first Dragon Quest in Japan for the Famicom (NES) back in 1986. It became a huge hit that spawned three more sequels on that system. The original was renamed Dragon Warrior for the U.S. market due to a trademark issue and release...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2010-07-14, Autor: Bethany , Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  The Dragon Quest series is one of the true old souls within the realm of role-playing games, with its standard features lovingly reiterated in each release. There is always the signature art style of Dragonball creator Akira Toriyama, an expansive worl...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2010-07-13, Testbericht von:

  • Wide, wide world filled with scores of nifty monsters, Lengthy main narrative, Lots of quests, optional dungeons, crafting, and more to keep fans busy.
  • Clunky menu system, Requires some grinding.
  • Charm and classic gameplay abound in this rollicking role-playing adventure....

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  Veröffentlicht: 2010-07-13, Autor: Neal , Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  Dragon Quest has always been a high-quality series, even though its core gameplay has remained relatively intact much over its eight installments. Dragon Quest IX, the first original mainline entry on a handheld, doesn't quite change everything, but it...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2010-07-12, Testbericht von:

  • Fun and welldesigned multiplayer, superb visuals and music, charming setting and world design, excellent localization.
  • Slow going at several points, quite grindheavy at times, may leave those not interested in multiplayer out in the cold.

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  Veröffentlicht: 2010-07-11, Testbericht von:

  • Intriguing story, Battle system is addicting, Multiplayer is very well done, Hour and hours of gameplay,
  • Not enough personality, Can be a difficult game when played alone

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  Veröffentlicht: 2010-07-09, Testbericht von:

  • Celestian portion could have been its own, full game. Detailed characters and environments, can change camera angle in most areas, interesting multiplayer play options, wonderful background music, lots of character creation options, different class options to choose from, touch screen or button control scheme, lots of little nooks and crannies to explore, can craft items and equipment with alchem
  • No party member character development and some in-game text is a bit tiny. Cooperative multiplayer can only take place over local wireless, and not the Nintendo WiFi Connection. There’s only one save slot.

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  Veröffentlicht: 2010-07-09, Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  "Dragon Quest games are all the same." You've probably heard that old chestnut before. Heck, maybe you've even uttered it yourself. It's an easy mistake to make. At a cursory glance, Dragon Quest games do seem remarkably similar from one to the next: T...

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