Testseek.de haben 32 Experten-Bewertungen der Locks Quest und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 76% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Locks Quest.
October 2008
32 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Experten, die dieses Produkt bewertet haben.
0 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Produktbesitzern.
Die Autoren gefallen
Interessantes Gameplay
Schöne Story
Gute Musik
Hervorragend erzählte Geschichte
Tolle RetroOptik
Nostalgische Musik
Einfache Bedienung
Clevere Mischung aus TD und Action
Verschiedene Lösungswege
Angemessene Spielzeit
Die Autoren nicht gefallen hat
Gameplay leidet am Alter und an der Steuerung
Völlige FramerateEinbrüche mit spielerischen Auswirkungen
Zusammenfassung: The Internet is chock-full of flash-based games in which you build a fortress and then protect it from invading armies, zombies, or cows. In Locks Quest, developer 5th Cell has taken the addictive qualities of those games and deepened the experience w...
Building defenses is easy and intuitive, Great variety of mission objectives, Intuitive stylusintensive controls, Challenging multiplayer mode is icing on the cake.
Camera view can make it difficult to build on some maps, Occasional control snag when the screen gets crowded.
Locks Quests intuitive build mode and frantic, engaging battles are great for an action strategy game on the go. ...
Zusammenfassung: The game’s presentation is pretty nice and reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. The in-game graphics are on the simple side as the 2D renderings are somewhat bland and can lack the little details we’ve come to expect in todays videogame worl...
Zusammenfassung: Lock's Quest is kind of an odd "Tower Defense" like action/strategy hybrid, wherein the title hero is tasked with constructing defenses around various playable areas designed to hold back attacking armies for a set period of time. It's actually a prett...
Zusammenfassung: Unusual gameplay and impressive presentation drive this original game, but some pacing and control problems keep it from greatness. Locks Quest is something you dont see every day on the Nintendo DS: a non-licensed, non-sequel game with polish. It t...
Zusammenfassung: Lock’s Quest is a unique game that’s perfectly suited to the DS. With any number of ways to approach its lengthy quest, this is a game that will keep you playing for quite a while. In a sea of bland licensed titles and pet simulators, Lock’s Quest stan...
Zusammenfassung: Something strange happened one night while I was in the midst of an extended session of Lock's Quest, the new DS tower-defense title from the team that created the innovative platformer Drawn to Life. I'd just finished a particularly grueling set of ba...
Zusammenfassung: A lot of gamers have been keeping an eye on 5th Cell's newest project, Lock's Quest, and I was certainly one of them. It presented an interesting concept, a hybrid between combat and strategy, and it's one that appealed to me and many others. Despite s...
Zusammenfassung: If you havent put Locks Quest on your radar yet, were telling you with plenty of warning that its now time to put it there. Created by 5th Cell and distributed by THQ, Locks Quest – previously called Construction Combat: Locks Quest, Lock ...
Veröffentlicht: 2008-10-06, Autor: Roger , Testbericht von: pocketgamer.co.uk
Zusammenfassung: There tend to be two main schools of thought when it comes to naming video games. One is to use a blunt, macho sounding single word title – like Quake, Rage, Halo, Prey or Fracture for instance. Or you can go the other way and add a gigantically long, ...