Testseek.de haben 20 Experten-Bewertungen der Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 79% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations.
January 2008
20 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Experten, die dieses Produkt bewertet haben.
Zusammenfassung: Adventure games -- real adventure games, where twitch reflexes and collect-everything-but-the-kitchen-sink gameplay conventions sit out in favor of exposition-heavy story text and slow, methodical puzzle-solving -- exist in many minds as PC-gaming anti...
Music is, once again, outstanding, Great characters have a lot of depth to them, Most of the cases are quite interesting.
Absolutely no new gameplay mechanics, It gets tiring to see the same people involved in similar crimes from previous games, Most of the artwork is recycled from the other two games.
Trials and Tribulations is yet another enjoyable Phoenix Wright game--just dont expect anything new. ...
Zusammenfassung: From the smiling senior citizens in those silly Brain Age ads to the Mario Kart-cruising diehards, everyone seems to be embracing Nintendo's hand-held behemoth. In fact, hardly a day goes by where the Internet isn't buzzing with news of the Nintendo DS...
The final game in the trilogy exceeds expectations – it’s the best Phoenix Wright game ever. 8.4/10Print this pageUser reviews (0)Share this pageNoticed something wrong? Report error/mistake....
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Veröffentlicht: 2007-12-04, Autor: Scott , Testbericht von: pocketgamer.co.uk
Zusammenfassung: It cant have been the easiest pitch. "We want to do a defence lawyer sim which mixes courtroom antics with demonic possession, right. And in between loads and loads and loads of clicking through text screens you get to randomly shout "objection" into ...
Veröffentlicht: 2008-09-25, Autor: Lars , Testbericht von: gameplayer.se
Zusammenfassung: Phoenix Wright som yngling.Nu har trilogin om försvarsadvokaten Phoenix Wright nått sitt slut. Trials & Tribulations är den tredje och avslutande delen i den GBA-serie - Gyakuten Saiban - som varit förlaga till inkarnationen på Ni...
Zusammenfassung: Det blir ännu ett kärt återseende i Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations till DS. Vår advokat står sig fortsatt stark men det börjar bli dags för förnyelse i serien. Lyckligtvis är det på gång.
Zusammenfassung: Til tross for at grafikk og lyd kan anklages for å være primitivt, er gameplayet en klassiker, og dette spillet vil i likhet med de andre Phoenix Wright-spillene, underholde deg fra start til slutt. Det byr på et interessant plot, utfordrende oppgaver,...