Testseek.de haben 124 Experten-Bewertungen der Elden Ring und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 93% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Elden Ring.
February 2022
124 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Experten, die dieses Produkt bewertet haben.
0 Tests
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Die Autoren gefallen
Riesige und knallharte Spielwelt voller Monster und Schrecken
Reichhaltige offene Welt
Harte Kämpfe
Souls-Formel mit offener Spielwelt
Integration des Reittiers Sturmwind
Gutes Kampfsystem
Fantastische Atmosphäre
Imposante Bosse
Riesige Open World mit endlos belohnender Erkundung
Altbekanntes Kampfsystem um neue Tricks erweitert
Unmengen an Waffen
Zaubern und Skills für jedes erdenkliche Build
Umfangreiche Lore und Nebenquests mit klasse vertonten NPCs
Immer fordernd
Die Autoren nicht gefallen hat
Für ungeübte Spieler vor allem zu Beginn sehr frustrierend
Kleine technische Mankos
Schwierig für Anfänger
Leistungsprobleme (Besonders auf dem PC)
Grafik könnte besser sein
Einige technische Mängel
Story ist etwas banal
Kamera störrisch wie eh und je
Technisch nicht immer überzeugend
Manche Bosse und Dungeons wiederholen sich etwas zu oft
Deep, demanding gameplay, Robust character building, Gorgeous open world, Intriguing setting and lore
Messy mounted combat, Exploration feels too aimless
Elden Ring is not the perfect game that many Dark Souls fans probably hoped it would be. While adding open-world features to the beloved series formula results in a few cool moments, it also stretches the game in too many directions. If Dark Souls is a we...
Exploration and discovery that's driven entirely by the player, Stunning world design that blends a new open-world with the classic enclosed Soulsborne-style locations, Challenging combat that is both rewarding and thrilling, A visually stunning world tha
Still, at its core, a difficult game designed for a specific kind of person with little in the way of approachability options
Thrilling combat encounters, Enormous open areas that are fun to explore, Interesting world design and characters to encounter, Tons of weapons, skills and things to collect and experiment with
Repeated filler content, uneven pacing and some lazy boss battles/dungeons, Technical issues from a barebones PC port resulting in frequent stutters throughout the experience
Veröffentlicht: 2022-02-23, Autor: Richard , Testbericht von: gamingtrend.com
Zusammenfassung: Editor's Note: Gaming Trend was provided a copy of Elden Ring a week before release, which is why this is a review in progress, rather than a full review. While we have both put over 25 hours into the game, there is still a ton to see – not to mention the...
It is no exaggeration to say that Elden Ring is FromSoftware's largest and most ambitious game yet, and that ambition has more than paid off. Even after 87 hours of blood, sweat, and tears that included some of the most challenging fights I've ever fought...
Zusammenfassung: I've been playing Elden Ring, the upcoming game from developer FromSoftware, for over a week now and am currently more than 50 hours deep. Thinking back on a journey filled with small victories and the occasional humiliating defeat, it's apparent I've sti...
Zusammenfassung: In recent years, I haven't branched out as much as I'd like when it comes to my gaming taste. I did venture away from exclusively playing AAA games, but the indies I played were the huge titles that may as well be AAA at this point just based on their ubi...
Veröffentlicht: 2022-01-11, Autor: CJ , Testbericht von: destructoid.com
Zusammenfassung: Twenty twenty-one probably isn't going to make the history books as one of humanity's finest years. From a pandemic that continued to come in waves to Betty White dying on December 31st, it was a rather garbage year. Except for the games. If there was any...
Veröffentlicht: 2022-01-10, Autor: CJ , Testbericht von: destructoid.com
Zusammenfassung: We are 10 days into 2022 and it's hard to see how this could be the year that turns everything around for us. Millions are sick from a new variant after a holiday, people have been stuck for days trying to get home from said holiday, we all had to learn a...
Zusammenfassung: Ah, character creators. Always the first two hours of my playthrough of a game that has one, they're one of the most fun ways to waste time in games. While some players dedicate themselves to making the most beautiful, lifelike characters they can, others...