Testseek.de haben 101 Experten-Bewertungen der Fallout 76 und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 58% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Fallout 76.
101 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Experten, die dieses Produkt bewertet haben.
0 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Produktbesitzern.
Die Autoren gefallen
Detailierte und abwechslungsreiche Spielwelt
Viele kleine Geschichten auf einer riesigen Karte
Gelungenes Sounddesign
Fallout-Charme bleibt erhalten
Schön designte Spielwelt
Spannende Questhandlungen
Gute Multiplayer Mechanik
Sehr viele Craftig Möglichkeiten
Die Autoren nicht gefallen hat
Ohne menschliche Figuren als Anker der Geschichte
Auf Kosten einer belanglosen und zähen Hauptstory
Unterirdische Performance für einen Vollpreis-Titel
Veröffentlicht: 2018-11-27, Autor: Tim , Testbericht von: newgamenetwork.com
Fallout 76 retains the same captivating immersion, atmosphere and organic exploration that made Fallout 4 so enjoyable thanks to an excellent open world, though you'll have to contend with a poorly implemented online component and the typical Bethesda tec...
Fallout 76 is Fallout on the surface in the sense it has the same art style, the lore, the gross critters lurking all over the place but it severely lacks what everyone loves about the post-apocalyptic RPG series. A world to spend dozens, even hundreds of...
Appalachia's varied scenery and set pieces are enjoyable to explore
The lack of NPCs makes it difficult to become genuinely invested in the world, Easy to feel detached during quests, especially in multiplayer, Combat mechanics are ill-suited for many of the game's encounters, Rife with severe technical issues
Occasional flashes of an interesting Fallout experience, The soundtrack is solid
Constant bugs and performance issues, Story is half-baked, and presented to the player in the most tedious fashion, Multiplayer features feel superfluous at best, actively detrimental at worst
I need to wrap this up, even though there's so much more I could talk about. Some of it I talked about in the beta, like voice chat being always-on and automatically opted in, so you're stuck listening to people ramble about “My controller batteries just...
Appalachia's varied scenery and set pieces are enjoyable to explore
The lack of NPCs makes it difficult to become genuinely invested in the world, Easy to feel detached during quests, especially in multiplayer, Combat mechanics are ill-suited for many of the game's encounters, Rife with severe technical issues
Veröffentlicht: 2018-11-21, Autor: Christopher , Testbericht von: gamecrate.com
Fallout 76 might have a bright future ahead of it, but ultimately, Fallout 76 is a multiplayer survival game set in the Fallout universe, not a Fallout game where you get to play with your friends...