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Reviews of Asus USB-N53 Dual-Band Wireless N300 USB Adapter haben 8 Experten-Bewertungen der Asus USB-N53 Dual-Band Wireless N300 USB Adapter und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 84% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Asus USB-N53 Dual-Band Wireless N300 USB Adapter.
8 Tests
236 Tests
84 0 100 8



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  Veröffentlicht: 2012-10-19, Autor: Chris , Testbericht von:

  • This was a big review and going forward we'll likely be reviewing a single router or network adapter in each review. We will likely use some of the data from this review as baselines for future tests. As this is our first review with our testing methods, ...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2012-07-29, Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  Anyone who has purchased the N56u or the N66u will almost certainly recognize the design of the USB-N53 Dual Band N600 Wireless Adaptor – both having the same aesthetically pleasing exterior. On a more technical front the N53 utilizes two built-in a...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2012-03-06, Testbericht von:

  • Great performance, Very unique stylish looks, Good throughput, Range is good for home use, DualBand (2.4/5GHz) operation, 2x Internal anttena with signal monitoring utility, Doubles as a (software) Access Point, Lightweight but sturdy construction,
  • Throughput not close enough to 300Mbps, Price slightly high for most home users, Finger print magnet, Untethered end cap will be easily lost
  • Important: In this section I am going to write a brief five point summary on the following categories; Performance, Appearance, Construction, Functionality and Value. These views are my own and help me to give the ASUS USB-N53 Dual Band Wireless-N300 ...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2011-12-20, Autor: Matt , Testbericht von:

  • Dual band, Great range, Fast wireless speeds
  • High price, Design could put you off

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  Veröffentlicht: 2011-12-20, Autor: Matt , Testbericht von:

  • Dual band, Great range, Fast wireless speeds
  • High price, Design could put you off

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  Veröffentlicht: 2017-08-03, Testbericht von:

  • Page 4 of 4ASUS USB-N53 şimdiye kadar gördüğünüz en estetik ve gelişmiş USB kablosuz ağ adaptörü olma özelliğine sahip. Dahili çift anteni sayesinde iki taraflı 300 Mbps hızında bant genişliği sunarken aynı ağ üzerinden kablosuz olarak Full HD içerikleri...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2011-11-27, Autor: Ayberk , Testbericht von:

  • Ürünün fiyatıyla ilgili elimize bilgi ulaşmadı. Bu ürün şimdiye kadar gördüğünüz en estetik ve gelişmiş USB kablosuz ağ adaptörü olma özelliğine sahip. Dahili çift anten sayesinde iki taraflı 300 Mbps bant genişliği sunuyor. Özellikle aynı ağ üzerinden ka...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2012-05-21, Testbericht von:

  • USB-N53 sikrer en frem-ragende forbindelse over 2,4GHz-båndet. Den taber ikke meget hastighed over afstand og med forhindringer, og den boostes med en beam-forming-router. Glimrende software...

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