Testseek.de haben 8 Experten-Bewertungen der Just Mobile AluBase und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 85% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Just Mobile AluBase.
8 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Experten, die dieses Produkt bewertet haben.
Wer seinem Macbook auch einen besonderen Platz auf seinem Schreibtisch spendieren will und darauf Wert legt das ein Dock optisch zu seinem Apple Device bestens passt, kann beim Just Mobile Alubase ohne Bedenken zugreifen. Ich bin seit längerer Zeit sehr z...
Removable cradles ensure compatibility with multiple MacBooks. Easy access to ports.
Hard plastic cradles don’t grip MacBook’s smooth aluminum shell.
Sleek and simple, the AluBase is an easy way to maximize tabletop real estate, and is especially useful if you regularly run your MacBook connected to a display. Product Alubase Company Just Mobile Contact Price $49.95 ...
Zusammenfassung: The award-winning accessory geniuses at Just Mobile are creating Apple accessories that are both simply functional and modernly appealing. Seamlessly integrated with Apple's iconic design, Just Mobile creates high-quality accessories for iPhones, iPads...
Neat media centre solution; space saving; Apple-esque styling
Your Mac may overheat if you are using processor intensive applications, keep an eye on it; you will need to plug the MacBook in and a mouse is essential
The AluBase is a simple Apple-esque design that compliments your MacBook, and while it's footprint is small, you can be confident that your MacBook won't tip over. If you are looking for a solution that will allow you to close your MacBook and tidy it awa...
Forme pulite per un design funzionale, Base di allumino ottimamente sagomato e rifinito, Doppio inserto in plastica dalla superficie morbida per adattarsi ad ogni MacBook, Colori e finiture perfetti in accoppiata ai portatili Apple, Pesi ben calibrati
Gli inserti in plastica sono abbastanza "soft" al tocco ma avrei preferito un distanziatore in silicone
Just Mobile vince spesso premi per il design dei suoi prodotti e l'AluBase non fa eccezione dal momento che ha ottenuto l'iF product design award 2013. È un base che punta tutto sulla qualità, dai materiali fino alla funzionalità. La linea è semplicissim...