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Reviews of Eragon haben 6 Experten-Bewertungen der Eragon und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 64% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Eragon.
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  Veröffentlicht: 2007-01-23, Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  <b>Spec:</b> Role-Playing, 1 Player, Everyone 10 and older<br />

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  Veröffentlicht: 2006-12-13, Testbericht von:

  • Eragon for the Gameboy Advanced is a great role playing game and follows the story of the Eragon book pretty well. I really enjoyed this and will be completing it even though I have not finished the end battle and can even see myself picking this up ag...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2006-12-07, Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  Eragon is the first book in a series, written by Christopher Paolini, which has recently been turned into a major motion picture. The Game Boy Advance (GBA) edition is just one version in addition to the game being released on almost every platform kno...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2006-12-06, Autor: Bryan , Testbericht von:

  • Expansive story; lots of gameplay; innovative "Focus" system; no mandatory random encounters.
  • By-the-numbers RPG with little innovation; unimpressive graphics; lack of enemy variety.
  • There are four different games based on the Eragon movie thats coming out in the middle of December, all of which offer a different gaming experience. For fans of third-person action/adventure games, youve got the PS2/Xbox/360 version, or if youre i...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2006-12-01, Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  I really expected this game to be awful. Having played my share of licensed movie tie-ins, I know that limited development time and limited budget usually translates to limited fun. Licensed role-playing games are the worst of the bunch, since they hav...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2007-01-09, Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  Eragon har fått en hel del uppmärksamhet på sistone. Christopher Paolinis böcker om den siste drakryttaren har blivit bästsäljare över hela världen och filmen har surfat på svallvågorna efter Sagan om ringen. Det var naturligtvis oundvikligt att ett ...

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